Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday, Monday....

Gooood Mondaaay Morrrning to Everyone!!! So, I thought "what makes a Good Monday Morning?" Weell, waking up is always a good start to any morning, especially Monday, as traditionally, we view Monday as the beginning of the 'dreaded' work -week! EEK!! What if, (she murmurs to herself) we thought of Monday as a chance/opportunity, to make up for what was done/undone, last week? It will require a complete change of thinking...more 'positivity' on my part....look for opportunities to find the best of a situation....e.g...I really don't feel like going out to the garden and putting the summer furniture away, pulling out the dead stuff in the garden, etc., etc. How could I get the positivity going? Well, it's a beautiful day right now, the Fall colours are exquisite, the air is fresh, and I won't be 'sweating like a sow' as when it was Summer....hmmm, I believe they are all excellent reasons to get up off the ol' duff and move it, move it, move it!!!! After a nourishing lunch I will be outside breathing in God's air, basking in God's sunshine, and getting my blood moving! I can hardly wait! ;o)

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